We have a sand, chemical and thermal laboratory.

Our state of the art laboratory equipment has opened up new opportunities both in the services we offer to foundries as well as the research potential of the company. We carry out laboratory tests of foundry materials, moulding and core mixtures according to proven methodologies or the specific requirements of our customer using regularly calibrated laboratory equipment.

New and recycled sands analysis:
- Granulometric analysis
- Clay wash substances
- Water absorption
- Determining pH and conductivity
- Loss on ignition
- Bound water
- Content of Na2O
- Sintering capacity
- Moisture
Binder tests:
- Na2O content
- SiO2 content
- pH
- Conductivity
- Coagulation threshold
- Density
- Consistency DIN 53211 (4mm)
- Viscosity
- Gelation rate
Technological tests:
- Compressive Strength
- Shear Strength
- Transverse Strength
- Bending Strength
- Abrasion Resistance
- Moisture
- Permeability
- Compatibility
- Mixture workability
- Condensation zone strength